Allow Change – Delta


Product Description


Allow Change – Delta

An Audio Healing Session we specifically designed to help you break negative thought patterns and make real change in your life.

If you find yourself constantly caught in negative cycles, blaming yourself for things, or struggling to let go of deeply ingrained patterns, this track can help you.

Sometimes, these patterns can be difficult to change because they are linked to our experiences and beliefs. They can also cause stress in our relationships with others. But your soul is always seeking opportunities for healing, and will bring people into your life with similar patterns in order to help you see and heal them.

“Allow Change” uses blended isochronic frequencies and monaural beats to target change and help you shift through stubborn patterns.

  • The Purification frequency of 741Hz is known for cleansing the body, thoughts, emotions, and aura, and helps to find new solutions to old issues.
  • The Spiritual frequency of 852Hz helps to prevent overthinking and negative thought patterns, and improves your sense of self and inner strength.
  • The Change frequency of 417Hz is used to help us change from one point in life to another and dissolve accumulated energies that can hold us back.

This track is especially helpful for those in Twin Flame Connections, where changing the way you respond to things is key to moving forward.

“Allow Change” is a powerful tool for healing stubborn patterns and making positive changes in your life. You do not need headphones to reap the healing benefits of this track.

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