Start Your Journey Of Self Alignment

At Self Love Focus, we help people connect with their true selves and live happier, more authentic lives. Releasing your past and stepping into your future is the ultimate form of self-love. When you truly love yourself, you can build the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Our Methods and Tools

Our audio healing sessions use powerful frequencies, guided meditations, and beautiful music to help you realign with your true self and find peace and happiness. You’ve heard the call for greater authenticity, and our free resources and audio sessions have helped people from all walks of life connect with their true selves and manifest their potential.

Meet Your Hosts

Sue - Personal / Relationship Coach

Australian born, Sue began helping people over 30 years ago. Her past experience includes being a psychic advisor, spiritual healer and conducting personal growth & meditation groups.

Sue’s long spiritual journey beginning with awakening, has continued into self realization. This entire process bringing profound self-awareness, healing and personal growth.

Vicki - Professional Coach

A mom of two daughters, Vicki is an entrepreneur and an executive who has grown in her career throughout her 20+ years working in technology, financial services firms, and start-ups.

Because of her professional experiences, and her own personal growth, Vicki can address the underlying reasons you’re unfulfilled in your career, or help devise the roadmap to help you realize your dreams.

Say YES To Life

We’ve felt the transformative effects of these music and meditation tools. We’ve found the peace that comes from stillness. We’ve acknowledged our ‘outward personas’  and chosen to connect with and express our true selves. And now it’s your turn.

Simply enter your name and email address below and we will send you a link to download your free starter product.

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