I had been feeling flat and lifeless for a week or more and thought – I’ve just been working too much. I decided to just let myself relax for a day or 2 and I would be fine again.
2 days went by and I was no better. I had made myself do some work in that time but nowhere near as much as I would normally do. Nope I thought to myself, I still need more time. I decided to let myself have a little more time to just relax. Much as I tried to relax, I found I would still work, just less.
One of the things I was trying to do was decide which music to put together with what – meditations, frequencies, just music on its own. This of course involved listening to lots of different music as part of the process.
Eventually, after more than a week of feeling flat and lifeless, I went to listen to some more music for work and I decided not to. Instead I put on my favorite ‘normal music’ album – ‘Oliver Shanti & Friends – Seven Times Seven’.
As soon as it started, I found myself crying. The music traveled in through my ears and went straight into my heart, as it always does. I cried and cried as I remembered what it was to just listen to music I loved, for no other reason than that I love it. This music always moves me and balances me.
I just went to look for their album and found a new mix of their best songs which I hadn’t seen/heard. I’ve shared it below. Enjoy. My favorite song is – Tara Shakti Mantra, the words at the end go right through me.